Our Story
Hi my name is Meaghan, the founder of Megallgood. The name Megallgood was inspired by the code word, MAG, which my dad would text me daily. MAG quite literally means, "Meg all good?" It was our super simple, quick and effective way for him to check on me.
MAG is so much more than a simple text though. The whole mentality behind the code word gives you a small glimpse into the way I was raised. My dad cared about me and my safety more than anything else in the world. He taught me to be self aware and equipped me with this hyper vigilant mindset, while also being there for me every step of the way. That is MAG.
After buying my first taser, I immediately thought about the reality of carrying it in a discreet yet fashionable way. I wanted a bag designed to hold personal safety tools that could be accessible within seconds, but found nothing. That’s when Megallgood was born.
When you look down at your Megallgood bag I hope it gives you the same sense of comfort as my daily MAG texts gave me. Now you, can be all good.